Royalty and Selfies

February 21, 2018

The years flew by. Time taken over with work, athletics and dance practices. Senior year arrived and along with it came the ever-anticipated homecoming festivities. The entire school body gathered in the hot ancient gym to hear the homecoming court announced. Senior girls sat on the edge of the concrete bleachers, eyes wide with expectation. The announcer started to call out names. I couldn’t believe my ears. The third name they called was mine!

Never in a million years would I have thought homecoming court would be a reality for a once-homeschooled introvert. Once we girls were assembled in front of our peers, they started to call out the guys.  Another name surprised me—Joey McNeill. Over the years my crush on Joey had faded. We’d dated other people and our lives were seemingly on different tracks. Currently single, I was taking the year to focus on who I wanted to be. Boys and trivial high school relationships were the last thing on my mind.

The night of the homecoming game came. We as a court sat on our royal hay rack and watched the game from our cafeteria chair thrones. A tiara rested on my head. I was a princess for the night. My attention was focused on the festivities and people around me. I wasn’t (and still am not) a sport fanatic. Other members of the court got up to mingle and stretch their legs. I stayed planted in my seat, bundled in a coat and blanket, soaking in the atmosphere and waiting for the game to be over.

Joey sat just a few seats over. As the chairs around us emptied, he scooted closer. We sat, side-by-side, the crowd raged on and the game continued. He started to make small talk about school and future plans—typical conversations of a high school senior. Just before the game ended he suggested we take a picture together. I had a camera, but was reluctant to pose for the shot. What would I possibly do with a picture of us together?

Finally, I gave in. We leaned in close and with an outstretched arm, snapped our very first selfie together.

The left is us waiting for the king and queen announcement. The right is our very first selfie together!

Catch up on the rest of the story:

I: Middle School Band, Day One
II: He likes me, he likes me not
III: Summertime Crush
IV: Royalty and Selfies
V: Cookies + Texting
VI: Gas Station Hugs




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